Abortion affirms every woman's right to choose. . .
but there are choices others make because of that decision.
a novel by Christopher Ware

(Published September 2014)

The Author

Christopher Ware was born and raised in the northeast.  He received a university degree in education while studying briefly in Europe.  He and his family enjoy spending lots of time at the beach, visiting quaint bookstores up and down local shore communities.  Goodbye My Baby will be his first published work, but confesses to a wealth of other, colorful, interesting story ideas he hopes to turn into future novels.

“The subject of abortion,” the author admits, “is a tricky business.  As I describe in the novel, people are aware it exists, but for the vast majority it isn’t something they care to speak about openly.  With this book, I try not to hit them over the head with it.  Instead, my goal is to get the reader to come to the topic the same way the characters do, by letting the subject unfold around them inside plot lines – experience it from that perspective.  In this way, the reader observes how the characters handle it, deal with it, either directly or if they decide to avoid the subject entirely.  I also think, as a writer, it’s important not to push my own point-of-view onto every page of the book.  Rather, I approach this very polarizing issue, as a work of fiction, seen through the eyes of the characters, placing them in as many diverse situations as possible.”